Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Right Diet For Heart Health

Hi everyone! U guys always eat much more foods in every day or not ? Or just eat a little of food for your breakfast, lunch and dinner? However, if you eat a lots of foods or not, you also need to care about the healthy guide, to keep health for your body. Therefore, the topic of today is about the right diet for heart health.

Lisa R. Young, PhD, RD, adjunct professor in the department of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University. Here’s some of the comments and suggestion.

1 - Get much more fiber
Fiber in our body that have some of the positive impact, that's make your cholesterol levels to decrease, and reduce the damage of diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The best suggestion is let you to eat a different of whole grains and various of fruits, vegetable and bread, because all of this inside also include fiber to make you more health.

2 - The benefits of Carbohydrates
The best suggestion is you need to absorb 50 to 60 percent of canbehydrates per day. Apart from the fruits and vegetable, you also need to get legumes, grain breads, pastas and rice. Moreover, eggs and cakes also include carbohydrates that good for healthy.

3 - Vitamins
Vitamins also is part of the good healthy, because that's an organic compound and include something important of nutrient.

Blog posted by Lam Wai Ching, Leo - LAWAD1401


  1. Nowadays, heart disease has become a human killer ,so it is important that we learn how to maintain our heart healthier.Eating more fruit and vegetable are also a way to become healthier, since those are good sources of vitamins and minerals, also low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. Especially, featuring vegetables and fruits in your diet can be easy, such as salad.

    Posted by Ka Kei LEONG (Athena) --- LEKAD1403

  2. Heat is very important part of our body but many people do not know how to improve there heart condition. Actually, most people do not care about their heart health. Enough fiber and Carbohydrates, Vitamins is good for heart. Moreover, it is good for all your body. I hop everyone can maintain there body health.
    Eun Sub LEE(Christina)-LEEUD1401
