Friday, April 17, 2015

Are Food additives really safe?

Hey guys! At first, I would like to ask you one question.

Do you know what is food additives?

However, food additives is important for any foods, much more foods also contain the additives inside nowadays, therefore I would like to tell all of you that about the foo additives and what is the good or bad things of food additives.

Food additives mean any of various natural of synthetic substances, such as salt, monosodium, glutanate, or citric, and also used in the commercial processing of food as preservatives, antioxidants, emulsifiers, inorder to preserve or add flavour, colour, or texture to processed food.

One of the major benefits of food additives is longer shelf life. For example, salt and sugar products in supermarket that show their shelf life, most of them also can shelf  for extra months or years. Preservatives also help the consumer by keeping food costs lower and slowing the growth of harmful bacteria.

However, food additives also have some of negative impact, such as, the negative health effects of these additives may be increased risk of cancer, allergic reactions, and digestive problems. A group of preservatives that is used in fruit drinks, tea and coffee, that preservatives causing allergic reactions, asthma attacks, skin rashes, and is considered to cause brain damage.Furthermore, some of the preservatives also cause liver disease, cancer, high blood pressure and kidney problems.

Therefore, I suggest that everyone can carefully to choose any preservatives when they buy foods. Because the foods additives have the positive and negative impact, if some of you eat too much food additives, it will cause your body have a problem, and cause cancer, kidney and other kinds of problem.

Blog designed by LAM WAI CHING - LEO (LAWAD1401)


  1. According to many types of processed foods, beverages, and condiments have artificial coloring in them, so when we choose the food, we need to beware of the food ingredients, otherwise , it might be harm to our body.

    Posted by Ka Kei LEONG (Athena) --- LEKAD1403

  2. We can absorb many things form food such as nutritions, energy even for bad things.
    Most foods contain positive and negative nutritions for our body. So we have to see what kinds of nutritions are in food that you want to buy.
    Eun Sub LEE(Christina)-LEEUD1401
