Friday, April 17, 2015

10 diet-bolstering tricks that take zero effort but bring you better health even on your busiest days

Healthy Eating Tips: 6 AM: Rise and Shine

You hit the snooze button for the last time and fumble your way into the kitchen. Now try these healthy eating tips:

1. Drink Orange Juice with Added Calcium
 If you start the day with orange juice, don't miss the chance to get calcium too. This superstar mineral fends off PMS, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. And the latest? It might even help you lose weight! Most calcium-fortified orange and grapefruit juices have as much calcium as milk--or more!

2. Take a Multi 
One little pill, such big benefits! People who take a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement have dramatic reductions in the risk of colon cancer and heart disease, studies show. Another benefit: The folic acid in your multi is almost two times more absorbable than the form of this vitamin found in food.

3. Have "7-gram" Cereal 
That means cereal with at least 7 g of fiber per serving, because eating cereal is your easiest chance to get lots of fiber in a small package. Not only is fiber a cancer fighter, but it actually cancels out some of the calories you eat! For example, if you eat 30 g of fiber a day--slightly more than double what most of us get--your body will absorb 120 fewer calories a day. That adds up to a 13-lb loss in a year!

4. Toss Some Blueberries on That Cereal 
Blueberries are youth berries. Even frozen blueberries are so packed with antioxidants that just 1/2 cup can double the antioxidant power of most people's diets--something that experts suspect will slow down your aging clock. Blueberries actually reversed memory loss in one animal study!

5. Make Your Coffee with Milk
 If you make instant coffee with hot water, all you're getting is a wake-up call. Use milk, and you've got cafe au lait--along with insurance against osteoporosis from the calcium and vitamin D in the milk.

6. Drink a Glass of Water When You Brush Your Teeth
 You've got the water and the glass right there. So drink! Only one-third of all Americans get the recommended eight glasses daily. Think a little shortfall doesn't matter? Signs of mild dehydration include fatigue upon awakening, fatigue at midday, lack of concentration, and headaches. [pagebreak]

Healthy Eating Tips: 8:00 AM: On the Job

With these healthy eating tips, snacks at work can make you healthier:

7. Take an Apple to Work 
Put one on your desk in the morning, and an apple becomes see-food--the handiest snack to grab when the munchies hit. If it's not there, you'll be hunting for sticky buns or whatever else is around. In addition to apples being a low-cal snack, a recent study revealed that the lungs of apple-a-day eaters may have better protection against air pollution.

8. Stash Nuts In Your Desk
 Probably because nuts are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals, folks who snack on a small handful of them four or five times a week tend to live longer, several studies suggest. Just don't overdo it: One ounce of peanuts (approximately 1/8 cup) contains about 170 calories and 14 g of fat.

Healthy Eating Tips: 11:30 AM: Grocery Shopping

You dash out for groceries over your lunch hour. Here's how to be a healthy shopper even when you're on autopilot:

9. Buy Better Bread 
If you eat white bread, you're eating vitamin-fortified starch. Whole wheat bread has fiber, important nutrients such as selenium and copper, and a treasury of other healthy ingredients. Maybe that's why whole-grain eaters seem to have less diabetes, breast cancer, and heart disease. Just don't be fooled by a dark color: Unless the first ingredient includes the word "whole," it isn't whole wheat bread.

10. Choose Canola Salad Dressing Are you a salad eater? Terrific! Now look for a dressing made with canola oil, rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). One study found that nurses who got more than 1 g of ALA per day had half the number of fatal heart attacks.

Posted by Yuhao Sun(Ian)-----SUYUD1501


  1. According to this article, i think fruits are really important to our body, so guys!! start your life with eating fruits everyday , this is really good and healthy for our body.

    Posted by Ka Kei LEONG (Athena) --- LEKAD1403

  2. Without doubt I agree with this article. Fruit contain nutritions that we can not get from other foods. Most people forget to eat fruit. I think we should eat fruit everyday

    Eun Sub LEE(Christina)-LEEUD1401

  3. Thank you for your tips here! Some of the points I haven't heard before so that's my first time to know. However, I know that healthy is important for my body, and nowadays I 'm really care about any kinds of healthy food when I'm ready to eat. And also I think I will get some tips here because your points are pretty good! Thanks
    Blog designed by LAM WAI CHING - LEO (LAWAD1401)

  4. Thank u for the information
    it's such as good topic

    Posted By Reo Soberatta Soberatta --- sored1403
