Saturday, April 11, 2015

Healthy Eating is important

Hello guys, welcome to healthy eating blog, today we are going to talk about what is healthy eating and why is it so important to us.

How to define healthy eating?

The important point is a balanced diet. A balanced diet means consuming a right amount from vary kinds of good groups, such as grains, fruit and vegetables, protein, diary, fat and sugar.

How does healthy eating affect mental and emotional health?

We all know that eating right can help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid certain health problems, but it also effect on your mood! Studies have linked eating a typical Western diet—filled with red and processed meats, packaged meals, takeout food, and sugary snacks—with higher rates of depression, stress, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Eating more fruits and vegetables, cooking meals at home not only reducing your fat and sugar intake, but also improve mood and lower your risk for mental health problems.

    Having a healthy eating habit is crucial to our life! Love yourself and starting to have a healthy eating every day!

Blog posted by Ka Kei LEONG (Athena) --- LEKAD1403


  1. I think this attached video gave me more visually shocks than words gave me.It is more alive and more attracted for me.I got some information about nutrition that i have never known before like the purposes of eating is to provide calories for energy and nutrients for health, which is very healthy for me.

    Posted by Yuhao Sun(Ian)---SUYUD1501

  2. Yes, I also agree that healthy eating is important for our life. Because it will cause much more problems if you don't care about the healthy, such as risk of cancer, allergic reactions, digestive and kidney problems.

    Posted by LAM WAI CHING (LEO) - LAWAD1401

  3. I totally agree with that article. Eating habit is most important thing to maintain your health. There is two things you have to do if you want to improve your health. One is eat properly another is work out. Most people think work out is more important than good eating habit but work out is only 20% and eating properly is 80% to keep your body healthy. I think many people should know how to eat healthy.
    Eun Sub LEE(Christina)-LEEUD1401

  4. thank you for the information, this news is good for us to know that
    some people have different mood, that is why we have to know our mood and cobine with the good food

    posted Reo Suranda Soberatta ---- sored1403

  5. thank you for the information, this news is good for us to know that
    some people have different mood, that is why we have to know our mood and cobine with the good food

    posted Reo Suranda Soberatta ---- sored1403
