Thursday, April 16, 2015

Can healthy Eating prevent diseases

Hi friends, today I want to discuss about 'can healthy eating prevent diseases?'.

We all know the mantra to stay fit is to eat healthy & prevent diseases. But eating junk food has become a style these days, in spite of us knowing the fact that it is very unhealthy. Today, overweight and obesity are sure very common problems. It is not only about looking ugly but a very serious health problem and is mainly due to the excessive sugar and salt in junk foods. 

Healthy Ways To Eat Fast Food

Eating healthy can prevent diseases which are chronic, yet very common, like heart attacks, diabetes, strokes and even some kinds of cancer. If you are already obese, eating healthy henceforth can help you lose weight. Eating healthy can prevent diseases which are chronic, yet very common, like heart attacks, diabetes, strokes and even some kinds of cancer. If you are already obese, eating healthy henceforth can help you lose weight. 

Another important point to note is that, though you might follow a healthy diet, the portion of food that you consume also plays a vital role in your weight gain. Food is also like a drug, sometimes you crave to eat more and more of it. So always keep a check on the quantity of food that you eat.

Do not even get tempted to eat more when you go to restaurants or for outings. Consume small portions of food, eat healthy and prevent diseases. This article will help you learn how to eat healthy and prevent diseases.

  • Protein 

Protein in your diet is very important to keep you healthy. It provides you the energy needed and is also vital for the growth and repair in your body. Some of the protein-rich foods are eggs, fish, meat, tofu, kidney beans, nuts, lentils, pulses.

Make sure you eat only as much protein that is necessary for you. When you consume eggs, avoid frying them. Also make sure the meat you eat is not high in fat. Try consuming oily fishes such as salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and swordfish, which are omega-3 rich. Eating healthy can prevent diseases like heart attacks and obesity.

  • Calcium 

Calcium in your diet is very necessary for strong bones and teeth. Women are more prone to calcium diseases than men. Osteoporosis is a common problem that many women are facing these days. The lack of calcium in the body makes the bones porous and easily prone to fractures. Most of the dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter are rich in calcium. However, they also contain fat, so it is recommended to consume low fat dairy products. Green leafy vegetables, almonds, dried figs, oranges, seaweed, sesame are also rich sources of calcium. So eat healthy and prevent diseases that can occur due to lack of calcium in the body.

  • Carbohydrates 

Carbohydrates in our food are responsible for most of the energy or calories that we get. Carbohydrates could be either simple or complex. It is recommended that about one third of our food should contain carbohydrates, especially the starchy ones. To eat healthy and prevent diseases, you must consume carbohydrates in the form of brown rice, whole wheat bread or whole grain cereals. These foods contain a lower glycaemic index as compared to the refined starches.

  • Fibre 

Make sure you eat plenty of fibre. Even a small amount of fibre can make you feel full for long time, thereby reducing your craving for too much food. This helps you to keep away from overweight and is very helpful to overcome constipation problems. The soluble fibre found in certain foods like oats, peas, beans help lower the blood cholesterol and glucose, whereas the insoluble fibre usually found in whole grains and the skin of many fruits and vegetables help to keep the bowels clean. 

By:Eun Sub Lee (LEEUD1401)


  1. Having a healthy eating is really a great habit for us in our daily life, not only good for our skin and we can lose weight through a healthy diet, but also prevent diseases! Such a great news!!! Come on everybody , start your healthy eating from now on!!!

    Posted by Ka Kei LEONG (Athena) --- LEKAD1403

  2. Thank you for your recommendation!! This can remain me that which one of element can prevent diseases and any kinds of problem. And the following up I will care about this when I buy any foods, so thank you very much for this article. And hope that you also have a better life!
    Blog posted by LAM WAI CHING - LEO (LAWAD1401)

  3. That is good posted, calcium is really important for our body especially for the bone and tooth

    Reo Suranda Soberatta ---- sored1403
