Friday, April 17, 2015

Healthy eating: Five of the best foods to keep in your fridge

Hi everyone, today I want to recommend five food for your health.

Today, most people have many interest in healthy eating. There are five foods easy to get and have enough nutrition.

1) Eggs

Cheap, nutritious and can be cooked so many ways. Try adding one to your oats in the morning for extra protein, put scrambled eggs in a wrap for breakfast on the go, make a veggie loaded omelette for a quick post workout dinner or mix with a banana and fry for a healthy pancake. Eggs are widely regarded as one of the most nutritionally complete foods as they contain a high quality source of protein (6g per egg) as well as an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

2) Salmon

Salmon is a fantastic source of omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for heart, joint and skin health as well as brain function. It is widely regarded as one of the healthiest fishes, can be cooked in minutes and with so many ways of buying it including fresh, frozen, smoked or tinned there should be a type for everyone. It is also high in protein (25g per 100g) so will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Try baking it and serving with lots of green veg, add to a salad, make into fishcakes or mix into pasta for delicious dinner.
3) Spinach

Images of Popeye may flash into your mind but there is actually some truth behind this. Studies have shown that the nitrates found in spinach are beneficial for muscle function and recently the Vitamin K found in it has been shown to help ward off mental decline if eaten everyday. To introduce it to your diet try using it as a highly nutritious salad base alternative to iceberg lettuce which doesn’t offer much nutritional value. You can also add it to juices, smoothies, stir fries and curries to up the content of vitamins K, C and A as well as iron and magnesium.

4) Berries

Fresh or frozen berries such as blueberries and raspberries are perfect as low calorie and low sugar snacks. They contain high levels of anti-oxidants which help protect your DNA from damage. They are also great sources of fibre and vitamin C (which is needed to make collagen, an essential component for healthy firm skin). Easily add them into your diet as a breakfast topping, juice or smoothie ingredient or add to some yoghurt as a highly nutritious and filling snack.

5) Yoghurt

This can be Greek or Natural. Greek yoghurt has twice the amount of protein and less carbohydrate than natural yoghurt. However natural yoghurt has more calcium which is extra important for people following a high protein diet. Both make a great snack, especially after a workout. Try topping it with honey, berries, crushed nuts, granola, fruit or flaxseed to up the nutrition content and add flavor.

 Eun Sub LEE (Christina)-LEEUD1401


  1. Nutrition is very important to our body, actually we can absorb them in many ways , such as eating more fruit and vegetable. Maintaining a healthy life is so easy, everybody,love yourself and eat healthy food , have a healthy eating everyday!!

    Posted by Ka Kei LEONG (Athena) --- LEKAD1403

  2. Thank you for your suggestion! I agree with you that these five things can keep longer in our fridge haha! These also can give more power and energy to us too.
    However, all of this are not really expensive in supermarket, therefore have two of advantages here which are cheap and help us to keep healthy in our body.
    Blog designed by LAM WAI CHING - LEO (LAWAD1401)

  3. Salmon is good for lunch time, i really like eat salmon there for it is really expensive

    Reo Suranda Soberatta ----- sored1403
