Saturday, April 18, 2015


Milk, cheese, or other dairy products has long been regarded as a food ingredient is an enemy to those who are dieting. This is because cheese is very high in fat. While the fat itself can gain weight and cause dangerous diseases.

"Not all of the fat contained in the cheese harmful to health. In fact, our research found that chewing the fat cheese will make you bleed easily," said Professor Alice Roberts of The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology."Cheese is known to contain calcium which facilitate the process and fat without going through the process of intestinal fat absorption in advance. We found out after researching the habits of people who are fond of chewing cheese. Surprisingly, in a day of fat they can shed as much as 8 grams or 56 grams for a week . "Besides being able to shed fat, cheese itself also contain probiotic bacteria are good for digestive health. Some studies have also found that chewing cheese can whiten and strengthen your teeth. It is a fun way to
that is for today...
post by Reo Suranda Soberatta (Reo)--  sored1403


  1. Cheese have a positive and negative effect our body. Cheese contain collagen so it is good for our skin also we can improve our digestive system. However it has a high calorie. Just do not eat too much:)
    Eun Sub LEE(Christina)-LEEUD1401

  2. Actually I really like to eat cheese when i eat some kinds of food, such as, cheese with bread, pizza, and spaghetti. However, i will control myself don't eat cheese too much in my life because that will be affect to our healthy body.
    Blog designed by LAM WAI CHING - LEO (LAWAD1401)

  3. Cheese contains substances called Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Sphingolipids that help prevent cancer. In addition the vitamin B in cheese is good for maintaining body functions and protecting the body from disease.

    Cheese is very good for human, start your healthy daily life today!!!

    Posted by Ka Kei LEONG (Athena) --- LEKAD1403

  4. Cheese and milk are the most comment foods around the world.
    So, I think cheese and milk is good for every one.

    Posted By Reo Suranda Soberatta ---- sored1403

  5. I feel worried about the situation we are in, cause we are in Austrlia,people here love cheese!You can find cheese everywhere and that is adviodable to some extent.Moreover, the cheese taste really well!So how ganna we do about this?

    posted by Yuhao Sun(ian)---SUYUD1501
