Sunday, May 10, 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
How to optimally our body
Hi guys, back again
now we will talk about how to optimally our body
In order to function optimally, the body needs complete
nutrition. Food is a supplier of nutrients for the body. Based on the function,
the food can be grouped into carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals,
and fiber. Too much food with proper nutrition cann’t create excessive weight
gain and cause various diseases. How many servings of food that is recommended?
Here's a description of how the right portion of the body and its functions and
suggested foods.
Carbohydrates serve as the main energy source for the body
to perform various activities. On average, every 1 gram of carbohydrate will
produce 4 calories. Needs of the average human will is as much as 1200-2000
calories calories. Calories derived from carbohydrates is recommended as much
as 45% -60% of all caloric needs. However, the current average of Indonesia's
population consumes 70% -80% carbohydrates. Consuming excess carbohydrates that
are not used will be stored as fat. Learn more about the calories can be read
on the following article: Calculate calories your body.
At carbohydrates can be obtained figures Glikemin Index
(GI). This figure shows the content of which can increase blood sugar levels.
The higher the number the IG, then the food will raise blood sugar more quickly.
While on carbohydrates with a low GI numbers will give satiety longer so as to
prevent a sense of wanting to eat. Examples of carbohydrates with a high GI are
bread, corn and potatoes. Meanwhile, with a low GI carbohydrates are whole
wheat and brown rice.
Protein serves as a useful component for growth, wound
healing, cell regeneration, produce enzymes and hormones to the body's
metabolism as well as an energy source. Protein deficiency will interfere with
growth, causes bone loss and hair loss.
Protein can be obtained from animals or from plants. Protein
derived from animal called animal protein, such as meat, milk or eggs. While
the proteins of plant called vegetable protein contained in the nuts. Animal
proteins contain more essential amino acids than vegetable protein.
Proteins in body weight of about 1/6 of a person's weight.
Protein is the second largest component of the human body after water. Every
day, the human need for calories are in 1 gram for every 1 kg of weight a
person. On average 1 gram of protein will produce 4 calories.
In order to obtain maximum protein, avoid cooking with high
temperatures and use much oil because it will damage the protein. It is
recommended to process protein foods by baking or steaming.
Fat serves as an energy reserve and to protect organs. Needs
an adequate fat is useful for maintaining healthy skin, hair, maintaining body
temperature, dissolve vitamins A, D, E, K and helps your metabolism running
well. One gram of fat can produce about 90 calories. Fat should be met
approximately 20% -30% of the total caloric needs.
Fats are divided into two, namely:
Good Fats unsaturated fats (unsaturated fat) that is
commonly found in nuts, salmon, walnuts and avocados. Good fats contain Omega 3
acids are useful for maintaining heart health, lower blood pressure and prevent
the occurrence of coronary heart disease. Bad Fat That Saturated fat (saturated
fat) and trans fats (trans fat) found in meat, offal or fried foods. Excess bad
fats increase levels of total and cholesterol in the blood. High cholesterol
can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and trigger diabetes.
Consumption of fat in a day should not exceed 35% of total
daily caloric needs and for the benefit, fat consumed should be good fats (unsaturated
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals work to organize and support various
processes that occur in the body. For example, the process of formation of
energy or thought processes. Vitamins and minerals are abundant in fruits and
vegetables. One serving of fruit produce about 40 calories. It is recommended
that every day do consume 5-9 servings of fruit. Fruits and vegetables can also
provide fiber.
Fiber mainly function in digestion and keep the body healthy
by consuming dietary fiber. Fiber found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts and
Cereal. Some examples of high-fiber fruits are papaya, soursop, apples and
oranges. In vegetables, fiber found in many beans, brokolim carrots, bean
sprouts, and kale with the content of 2-5 grams per 100 grams. In the nuts and
Cereal, fiber contains 4-10 grams per 100 grams.
The main function of fiber include:
Smooth bowel movement that will prevent constipation and
hemorrhoids.Make the food that is not absorbed in the intestine can be quickly
removed, thereby reducing the possibility of absorption of toxins that are of
leftover food that is not absorbed.
Maintain a healthy weight ideal for fiber properties that can prevent
the absorption of fat and gives a sense of fullness that will help the desire
to consume food. Keeping cholesterol
and blood sugar at a stable figure. The stability of cholesterol and blood
sugar can prevent a variety of diseases that harm such as diabetes or heart
by Reo Suranda Soberatta (Reo) ------ sored1403
Monday, April 20, 2015
how to be healthy life
hi guys...
now this blog are talk about how to be heathy in daily life, there is 4 step to get healthy
1. Always active. In this case often try not to sit too long either at the computer or watching a television show that you like. You can start by reducing the time to linger in front of the computer or television to perform other activities that keep you moving and active.
2. Morning sunlight is very good for the health of your body. This is because, with exposure to sunlight in the morning, then the body will be encouraged to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D in the body has a function to ward off heart disease, various types of cancer and also prevent premature bone loss.
3. Add or multiply to consume fruits and vegetables are excellent for nourishing your body. Various fruits such as oranges, watermelon, papaya, apple and others as well as a variety of vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens and others are fruits and vegetables in question.
4. Regular exercise is one factor that can make your body more healthy and fit throughout the day. You can start, by setting aside the morning for morning exercise like walking, running or cycling.
posted by Reo Suranda Soberatta (REO) ----- sored1403
now this blog are talk about how to be heathy in daily life, there is 4 step to get healthy
1. Always active. In this case often try not to sit too long either at the computer or watching a television show that you like. You can start by reducing the time to linger in front of the computer or television to perform other activities that keep you moving and active.
2. Morning sunlight is very good for the health of your body. This is because, with exposure to sunlight in the morning, then the body will be encouraged to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D in the body has a function to ward off heart disease, various types of cancer and also prevent premature bone loss.
3. Add or multiply to consume fruits and vegetables are excellent for nourishing your body. Various fruits such as oranges, watermelon, papaya, apple and others as well as a variety of vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens and others are fruits and vegetables in question.
4. Regular exercise is one factor that can make your body more healthy and fit throughout the day. You can start, by setting aside the morning for morning exercise like walking, running or cycling.
posted by Reo Suranda Soberatta (REO) ----- sored1403
Cara Hidup Sehat 4.
Bukan hanya beberapa kali seminggu, tapi cobalah setiap hari. Penelitian
telah menunjukkan bahwa berolahraga setiap hari membawa manfaat luar
biasa bagi kesehatan, termasuk dapat memperpanjang umur, menurunkan
risiko semua penyakit, kepadatan tulang yang lebih tinggi dan menurunkan
berat badan. Tingkatkan aktivitas dalam hidup Anda. Pilih berjalan
untuk jarak yang dekat. Naiki tangga, bukan menggunakan lift.
Bergabunglah beberapa kelas aerobik.
Cara Hidup Sehat 5. Makan lebih banyak buah-buahan.
Buah-buahan adalah mengandung vitamin dan mineral. Apakah Anda tahu
bahwa jeruk memberikan manfaat kesehatan lebih dari pil Vitamin C?
Meminum dalam suplemen tidak sama dengan mengkonsumsi buah. Makanlah
buah-buahan yang paling bergizi seperti: Semangka, Aprikot, alpukat,
Apel, melon, jeruk, Kiwi, jambu, pepaya, stroberi.
Cara Hidup Sehat 6. Makan lebih banyak sayuran.
Seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran juga penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Para ahli menyarankan bahwa kita harus memiliki 5-9 porsi buah/sayuran
sehari, dan sayangnya kebanyakan orang bahkan tidak memiliki setidaknya 5
porsi sayuran sehari! Makanlah sayuran seperti Kacang merah, kacang
hitam, asparagus, kacang panjang, kacang Perancis, kecambah, jamur
kancing, dan wortel. Apa sayuran favorit Anda? Konsumsilah mulai
Cara Hidup Sehat 7. Pilih makanan berwarna cerah.
Buah-buahan dan sayuran dengan warna-warna cerah biasanya mengandung
anti-oksidan yang tinggi. Anti-oksidan baik untuk kesehatan karena
mereka menghilangkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh yang merusak sel-sel.
Jadi penuhi kulkas anda dengan buah / sayuran aneka warna: Putih
(Pisang, jamur), Kuning (Nanas, Mangga), Orange (Jeruk, pepaya), Red
(Apple, Stroberi, Tomat, semangka), Hijau (Jambu, Alpukat, mentimun,
selada, seledri), Ungu / Biru (Blackberry, Terong, prunes).
Sumber Artikel :
Sumber Artikel :
Cara Hidup Sehat 4.
Bukan hanya beberapa kali seminggu, tapi cobalah setiap hari. Penelitian
telah menunjukkan bahwa berolahraga setiap hari membawa manfaat luar
biasa bagi kesehatan, termasuk dapat memperpanjang umur, menurunkan
risiko semua penyakit, kepadatan tulang yang lebih tinggi dan menurunkan
berat badan. Tingkatkan aktivitas dalam hidup Anda. Pilih berjalan
untuk jarak yang dekat. Naiki tangga, bukan menggunakan lift.
Bergabunglah beberapa kelas aerobik.
Cara Hidup Sehat 5. Makan lebih banyak buah-buahan.
Buah-buahan adalah mengandung vitamin dan mineral. Apakah Anda tahu
bahwa jeruk memberikan manfaat kesehatan lebih dari pil Vitamin C?
Meminum dalam suplemen tidak sama dengan mengkonsumsi buah. Makanlah
buah-buahan yang paling bergizi seperti: Semangka, Aprikot, alpukat,
Apel, melon, jeruk, Kiwi, jambu, pepaya, stroberi.
Cara Hidup Sehat 6. Makan lebih banyak sayuran.
Seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran juga penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Para ahli menyarankan bahwa kita harus memiliki 5-9 porsi buah/sayuran
sehari, dan sayangnya kebanyakan orang bahkan tidak memiliki setidaknya 5
porsi sayuran sehari! Makanlah sayuran seperti Kacang merah, kacang
hitam, asparagus, kacang panjang, kacang Perancis, kecambah, jamur
kancing, dan wortel. Apa sayuran favorit Anda? Konsumsilah mulai
Cara Hidup Sehat 7. Pilih makanan berwarna cerah.
Buah-buahan dan sayuran dengan warna-warna cerah biasanya mengandung
anti-oksidan yang tinggi. Anti-oksidan baik untuk kesehatan karena
mereka menghilangkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh yang merusak sel-sel.
Jadi penuhi kulkas anda dengan buah / sayuran aneka warna: Putih
(Pisang, jamur), Kuning (Nanas, Mangga), Orange (Jeruk, pepaya), Red
(Apple, Stroberi, Tomat, semangka), Hijau (Jambu, Alpukat, mentimun,
selada, seledri), Ungu / Biru (Blackberry, Terong, prunes).
Sumber Artikel :
Sumber Artikel :
Cara Hidup Sehat 4.
Bukan hanya beberapa kali seminggu, tapi cobalah setiap hari. Penelitian
telah menunjukkan bahwa berolahraga setiap hari membawa manfaat luar
biasa bagi kesehatan, termasuk dapat memperpanjang umur, menurunkan
risiko semua penyakit, kepadatan tulang yang lebih tinggi dan menurunkan
berat badan. Tingkatkan aktivitas dalam hidup Anda. Pilih berjalan
untuk jarak yang dekat. Naiki tangga, bukan menggunakan lift.
Bergabunglah beberapa kelas aerobik.
Cara Hidup Sehat 5. Makan lebih banyak buah-buahan.
Buah-buahan adalah mengandung vitamin dan mineral. Apakah Anda tahu
bahwa jeruk memberikan manfaat kesehatan lebih dari pil Vitamin C?
Meminum dalam suplemen tidak sama dengan mengkonsumsi buah. Makanlah
buah-buahan yang paling bergizi seperti: Semangka, Aprikot, alpukat,
Apel, melon, jeruk, Kiwi, jambu, pepaya, stroberi.
Cara Hidup Sehat 6. Makan lebih banyak sayuran.
Seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran juga penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Para ahli menyarankan bahwa kita harus memiliki 5-9 porsi buah/sayuran
sehari, dan sayangnya kebanyakan orang bahkan tidak memiliki setidaknya 5
porsi sayuran sehari! Makanlah sayuran seperti Kacang merah, kacang
hitam, asparagus, kacang panjang, kacang Perancis, kecambah, jamur
kancing, dan wortel. Apa sayuran favorit Anda? Konsumsilah mulai
Cara Hidup Sehat 7. Pilih makanan berwarna cerah.
Buah-buahan dan sayuran dengan warna-warna cerah biasanya mengandung
anti-oksidan yang tinggi. Anti-oksidan baik untuk kesehatan karena
mereka menghilangkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh yang merusak sel-sel.
Jadi penuhi kulkas anda dengan buah / sayuran aneka warna: Putih
(Pisang, jamur), Kuning (Nanas, Mangga), Orange (Jeruk, pepaya), Red
(Apple, Stroberi, Tomat, semangka), Hijau (Jambu, Alpukat, mentimun,
selada, seledri), Ungu / Biru (Blackberry, Terong, prunes).
Sumber Artikel :
Sumber Artikel :
Cara Hidup Sehat 4.
Bukan hanya beberapa kali seminggu, tapi cobalah setiap hari. Penelitian
telah menunjukkan bahwa berolahraga setiap hari membawa manfaat luar
biasa bagi kesehatan, termasuk dapat memperpanjang umur, menurunkan
risiko semua penyakit, kepadatan tulang yang lebih tinggi dan menurunkan
berat badan. Tingkatkan aktivitas dalam hidup Anda. Pilih berjalan
untuk jarak yang dekat. Naiki tangga, bukan menggunakan lift.
Bergabunglah beberapa kelas aerobik.
Cara Hidup Sehat 5. Makan lebih banyak buah-buahan.
Buah-buahan adalah mengandung vitamin dan mineral. Apakah Anda tahu
bahwa jeruk memberikan manfaat kesehatan lebih dari pil Vitamin C?
Meminum dalam suplemen tidak sama dengan mengkonsumsi buah. Makanlah
buah-buahan yang paling bergizi seperti: Semangka, Aprikot, alpukat,
Apel, melon, jeruk, Kiwi, jambu, pepaya, stroberi.
Cara Hidup Sehat 6. Makan lebih banyak sayuran.
Seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran juga penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Para ahli menyarankan bahwa kita harus memiliki 5-9 porsi buah/sayuran
sehari, dan sayangnya kebanyakan orang bahkan tidak memiliki setidaknya 5
porsi sayuran sehari! Makanlah sayuran seperti Kacang merah, kacang
hitam, asparagus, kacang panjang, kacang Perancis, kecambah, jamur
kancing, dan wortel. Apa sayuran favorit Anda? Konsumsilah mulai
Cara Hidup Sehat 7. Pilih makanan berwarna cerah.
Buah-buahan dan sayuran dengan warna-warna cerah biasanya mengandung
anti-oksidan yang tinggi. Anti-oksidan baik untuk kesehatan karena
mereka menghilangkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh yang merusak sel-sel.
Jadi penuhi kulkas anda dengan buah / sayuran aneka warna: Putih
(Pisang, jamur), Kuning (Nanas, Mangga), Orange (Jeruk, pepaya), Red
(Apple, Stroberi, Tomat, semangka), Hijau (Jambu, Alpukat, mentimun,
selada, seledri), Ungu / Biru (Blackberry, Terong, prunes).
Sumber Artikel :
Sumber Artikel :
Cara Hidup Sehat 4.
Bukan hanya beberapa kali seminggu, tapi cobalah setiap hari. Penelitian
telah menunjukkan bahwa berolahraga setiap hari membawa manfaat luar
biasa bagi kesehatan, termasuk dapat memperpanjang umur, menurunkan
risiko semua penyakit, kepadatan tulang yang lebih tinggi dan menurunkan
berat badan. Tingkatkan aktivitas dalam hidup Anda. Pilih berjalan
untuk jarak yang dekat. Naiki tangga, bukan menggunakan lift.
Bergabunglah beberapa kelas aerobik.
Cara Hidup Sehat 5. Makan lebih banyak buah-buahan.
Buah-buahan adalah mengandung vitamin dan mineral. Apakah Anda tahu
bahwa jeruk memberikan manfaat kesehatan lebih dari pil Vitamin C?
Meminum dalam suplemen tidak sama dengan mengkonsumsi buah. Makanlah
buah-buahan yang paling bergizi seperti: Semangka, Aprikot, alpukat,
Apel, melon, jeruk, Kiwi, jambu, pepaya, stroberi.
Cara Hidup Sehat 6. Makan lebih banyak sayuran.
Seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran juga penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Para ahli menyarankan bahwa kita harus memiliki 5-9 porsi buah/sayuran
sehari, dan sayangnya kebanyakan orang bahkan tidak memiliki setidaknya 5
porsi sayuran sehari! Makanlah sayuran seperti Kacang merah, kacang
hitam, asparagus, kacang panjang, kacang Perancis, kecambah, jamur
kancing, dan wortel. Apa sayuran favorit Anda? Konsumsilah mulai
Cara Hidup Sehat 7. Pilih makanan berwarna cerah.
Buah-buahan dan sayuran dengan warna-warna cerah biasanya mengandung
anti-oksidan yang tinggi. Anti-oksidan baik untuk kesehatan karena
mereka menghilangkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh yang merusak sel-sel.
Jadi penuhi kulkas anda dengan buah / sayuran aneka warna: Putih
(Pisang, jamur), Kuning (Nanas, Mangga), Orange (Jeruk, pepaya), Red
(Apple, Stroberi, Tomat, semangka), Hijau (Jambu, Alpukat, mentimun,
selada, seledri), Ungu / Biru (Blackberry, Terong, prunes).
Sumber Artikel :
Sumber Artikel :
Cara Hidup Sehat 4.
Bukan hanya beberapa kali seminggu, tapi cobalah setiap hari. Penelitian
telah menunjukkan bahwa berolahraga setiap hari membawa manfaat luar
biasa bagi kesehatan, termasuk dapat memperpanjang umur, menurunkan
risiko semua penyakit, kepadatan tulang yang lebih tinggi dan menurunkan
berat badan. Tingkatkan aktivitas dalam hidup Anda. Pilih berjalan
untuk jarak yang dekat. Naiki tangga, bukan menggunakan lift.
Bergabunglah beberapa kelas aerobik.
Cara Hidup Sehat 5. Makan lebih banyak buah-buahan.
Buah-buahan adalah mengandung vitamin dan mineral. Apakah Anda tahu
bahwa jeruk memberikan manfaat kesehatan lebih dari pil Vitamin C?
Meminum dalam suplemen tidak sama dengan mengkonsumsi buah. Makanlah
buah-buahan yang paling bergizi seperti: Semangka, Aprikot, alpukat,
Apel, melon, jeruk, Kiwi, jambu, pepaya, stroberi.
Cara Hidup Sehat 6. Makan lebih banyak sayuran.
Seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran juga penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Para ahli menyarankan bahwa kita harus memiliki 5-9 porsi buah/sayuran
sehari, dan sayangnya kebanyakan orang bahkan tidak memiliki setidaknya 5
porsi sayuran sehari! Makanlah sayuran seperti Kacang merah, kacang
hitam, asparagus, kacang panjang, kacang Perancis, kecambah, jamur
kancing, dan wortel. Apa sayuran favorit Anda? Konsumsilah mulai
Cara Hidup Sehat 7. Pilih makanan berwarna cerah.
Buah-buahan dan sayuran dengan warna-warna cerah biasanya mengandung
anti-oksidan yang tinggi. Anti-oksidan baik untuk kesehatan karena
mereka menghilangkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh yang merusak sel-sel.
Jadi penuhi kulkas anda dengan buah / sayuran aneka warna: Putih
(Pisang, jamur), Kuning (Nanas, Mangga), Orange (Jeruk, pepaya), Red
(Apple, Stroberi, Tomat, semangka), Hijau (Jambu, Alpukat, mentimun,
selada, seledri), Ungu / Biru (Blackberry, Terong, prunes)
Sumber Artikel :
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Make our own snake
Hi everyone. Today I wanna talk about how to make healthy snake.These day, it is hard to make healthy snake in house. Everyone know fruit is one of the most healthy food that we know.Fortunately, We can make our own snake in our house. Look at the video. What do U think about this snake? I think it is really delicious and healthy. Do you think it is easy to make and good for our body?
Eun Sub LEE(Christina)-LEEUD1401
Good Mood Foods
Hey everybody! Today I'm going to share the new topic - Good Mood Foods.
Are you guys know that what is this meaning about?
However, do everyone when you have a lunch or dinner also are care about the mood, for example, if today you are bad mood, and then you will go to eat some kinds of sweet foods or dessert to make you be happy or not?
Here have some of the good mood foods.
Are you guys know that what is this meaning about?
However, do everyone when you have a lunch or dinner also are care about the mood, for example, if today you are bad mood, and then you will go to eat some kinds of sweet foods or dessert to make you be happy or not?
Here have some of the good mood foods.
Hope all of you enjoy this!
Posted by Lam Wai Ching - Leo - LAWAD1401
Is Night Eating Really Worse?
Hi guys, today we are going to talk about is it true that eating at night
will make you becomes fatter.
The old diet adage "eat breakfast like a king, dinner like a
pauper" might hold true, according to a new study.
You gain weight because the foods you eat at night are extra calories you
probably don't need. Extra calories equal extra weight.At night, body
temperature drops and leptin rises, creating a maelstrom ideal for weight gain
if you do indulge in extra calories.
How to Break a
Nighttime Snacking Habit
Here are some tips to help you make sure that eating at night doesn't
lead to weight gain:
- Establish a "kitchen-closed" policy.
- Keep temptation at arm's length.
- Eat breakfast.
- Stay busy.
- Plan your eating.
If weight loss or maintaining your weight is your goal, eat healthy all
day long and avoid piling on the calories after the sun goes down.
Blog posted by Ka Kei LEONG (Athena) --- LEKAD1403
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Milk, cheese, or other dairy products has long been regarded as a food ingredient is an enemy to those who are dieting. This is because cheese is very high in fat. While the fat itself can gain weight and cause dangerous diseases.
"Not all of the fat contained in the cheese harmful to health. In fact, our research found that chewing the fat cheese will make you bleed easily," said Professor Alice Roberts of The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology."Cheese is known to contain calcium which facilitate the process and fat without going through the process of intestinal fat absorption in advance. We found out after researching the habits of people who are fond of chewing cheese. Surprisingly, in a day of fat they can shed as much as 8 grams or 56 grams for a week . "Besides being able to shed fat, cheese itself also contain probiotic bacteria are good for digestive health. Some studies have also found that chewing cheese can whiten and strengthen your teeth. It is a fun way to
that is for today...
post by Reo Suranda Soberatta (Reo)-- sored1403
Friday, April 17, 2015
Eating too many chips can lead to health problems
Chips are an inexpensive, tasty and easily available snack, but the toll they take on your body may not be worth the pleasure. While enjoying an occasional handful of chips won't cause irreparable damage to someone consuming an otherwise healthy diet, the real dangers arise when you consume chips on a daily basis or regularly choose them over healthier options.
Weight Gain
Chips are typically high in fat and calories, which can raise the risk of weight gain and obesity. One ounce of plain potato chips, or about 15 to 20 chips, contains about 10 grams of fat and 154 calories. A 2011 study in "The New England Journal of Medicine" found that daily consumption of a single ounce of potato chips led to an average weight gain of 1.69 pounds over four years. The link between potato chips and weight gain was stronger than the link between weight gain and other dietary components, including processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages and unprocessed red meats. Being overweight or obese raises the risk of diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer.
Low Nutrition
If you regularly include chips as part of your diet, you may not be consuming as many nutrients as you should. Chips are typically low in vitamins and minerals, and they tend to displace things in the diet that are higher in nutrients. Eating healthy snacks can help make up for any nutritional lack at meal times, so if you opt for chips instead of snacks with a high nutrient density, you won't get this benefit.
High Blood Pressure
The sodium content in chips may negatively impact your cardiovascular health. A high intake of sodium can cause an increase in blood pressure, which can lead to stroke, heart failure, coronary heart disease and kidney disease. Potato chips generally have between 120 and 180 milligrams of sodium per ounce, and tortilla chips can have 105 to 160 milligrams of sodium per ounce. A bag of chips typically contains more than a single ounce, so many people consume more sodium than they realize when eating chips. According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, most people should limit their salt consumption to 2,300 milligrams per day, while individuals over 50, African-Americans and anyone with high blood pressure, kidney disease or diabetes should not consume more than 1,500 milligrams per day.
High Cholesterol
Frequent chip consumption can contribute to high cholesterol levels because of the amount and type of fat found in chips. Most chips are deep-fried, a process that creates trans fats, the most dangerous type. In addition, the oils used for frying chips are often saturated fats, which also contribute to high cholesterol levels. A 2007 study published in the journal "Circulation" found that high levels of trans fats in the bloodstream were associated with high levels of LDL cholesterol and an increased risk of coronary heart disease. High levels of trans fat in the diet are correlated to high levels in the blood.
Healthy Alternatives
Baked potato chips and tortilla chips tend to be lower in calories and fat than fried chips, although they may still contain high sodium levels. Unsalted whole-wheat pretzels and air-popped popcorn are low-fat, low-calorie options that also provide extra fiber, making them better snack choices than chips. Other healthy alternatives include low-sodium, baked vegetable chips or apple chips.
Posted by Yuhao Sun(Ian)-----SUYUD1501
Posted by Yuhao Sun(Ian)-----SUYUD1501
10 diet-bolstering tricks that take zero effort but bring you better health even on your busiest days
Healthy Eating Tips: 6 AM: Rise and Shine
You hit the snooze button for the last time and fumble your way into the kitchen. Now try these healthy eating tips:If you start the day with orange juice, don't miss the chance to get calcium too. This superstar mineral fends off PMS, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. And the latest? It might even help you lose weight! Most calcium-fortified orange and grapefruit juices have as much calcium as milk--or more!
One little pill, such big benefits! People who take a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement have dramatic reductions in the risk of colon cancer and heart disease, studies show. Another benefit: The folic acid in your multi is almost two times more absorbable than the form of this vitamin found in food.
That means cereal with at least 7 g of fiber per serving, because eating cereal is your easiest chance to get lots of fiber in a small package. Not only is fiber a cancer fighter, but it actually cancels out some of the calories you eat! For example, if you eat 30 g of fiber a day--slightly more than double what most of us get--your body will absorb 120 fewer calories a day. That adds up to a 13-lb loss in a year!
Blueberries are youth berries. Even frozen blueberries are so packed with antioxidants that just 1/2 cup can double the antioxidant power of most people's diets--something that experts suspect will slow down your aging clock. Blueberries actually reversed memory loss in one animal study!
If you make instant coffee with hot water, all you're getting is a wake-up call. Use milk, and you've got cafe au lait--along with insurance against osteoporosis from the calcium and vitamin D in the milk.
You've got the water and the glass right there. So drink! Only one-third of all Americans get the recommended eight glasses daily. Think a little shortfall doesn't matter? Signs of mild dehydration include fatigue upon awakening, fatigue at midday, lack of concentration, and headaches. [pagebreak]
Healthy Eating Tips: 8:00 AM: On the Job
With these healthy eating tips, snacks at work can make you healthier:Put one on your desk in the morning, and an apple becomes see-food--the handiest snack to grab when the munchies hit. If it's not there, you'll be hunting for sticky buns or whatever else is around. In addition to apples being a low-cal snack, a recent study revealed that the lungs of apple-a-day eaters may have better protection against air pollution.
Probably because nuts are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals, folks who snack on a small handful of them four or five times a week tend to live longer, several studies suggest. Just don't overdo it: One ounce of peanuts (approximately 1/8 cup) contains about 170 calories and 14 g of fat.
Healthy Eating Tips: 11:30 AM: Grocery Shopping
You dash out for groceries over your lunch hour. Here's how to be a healthy shopper even when you're on autopilot:If you eat white bread, you're eating vitamin-fortified starch. Whole wheat bread has fiber, important nutrients such as selenium and copper, and a treasury of other healthy ingredients. Maybe that's why whole-grain eaters seem to have less diabetes, breast cancer, and heart disease. Just don't be fooled by a dark color: Unless the first ingredient includes the word "whole," it isn't whole wheat bread.
Posted by Yuhao Sun(Ian)-----SUYUD1501
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